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We have summarized all frequently asked questions on this page, but if you still need help, feel free to contact us.

What are the opening hours?

You can find our current opening hours here.

How long does a visit last?

There are no restrictions on the length of stay within the opening hours. We recommend that you allow 60-90 minutes for your visit, so that you have enough time to discover all the stories, big and small.

Are there any age restrictions?

We recommend the Little BIG City for children from 6 years of age.

Children under 15 years of age must be accompanied by an adult of full age. Adolescents, starting from the age of 15, may visit the attraction without supervision, but are not allowed to be a supervisor for a child.

How much does a ticket cost?

Online booking saves time and money! Not only are our online tickets a bit cheaper, you also ensure your admission without having to wait long.

Is there parking available at Little BIG City?

Paid parking is available in the direct vicinity.
